Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Glycolic Acid

I started having acne when I was 20 and believe me when I say that I have had countless treatments and magic solutions to try and get rid of these horrendous spots, but never succeeded! Clinique, Liz Earle, Origins, Body Shop Tea Tree, Dr Nick Lowe, you name it! Some of them worked but only temporarily, some of them had no effect at all and others just made my acne worse.

Now and again, my skin still plagued me but it has definitely gotten better than ever. I still have pimples occasionally and there are visible reddish scars on my cheeks (and they are fading) but I don't have as much acne as I did back then.

So this is what I have been using.

Glycolic Acid 15% Glycolic Acid Night Treatment

I know people say that you shouldn't use 'acid' on your skin but I personally think that it depends on the individual. As for me, I don't see any problem applying chemicals or acid on my skin as long as I use them correctly with the right amount each day. This night cream has 15% of glycolic acid only - not high at all.

So when do I use this cream?

This is a night treament (as it says on the tub - night cream) and I apply it before going to bed. I found that this cream is thicker than some other night creams so I only apply a thin layer and the whole tub lasts a good 6month.

After 1 month, I can see ALOT of improvements. First, some of my scars have faded away especially the ones on my cheeks. It almost balanced out my skin tone too. Second, I rarely break out anymore! Even if I did, they are just small spots that are hardly noticeable! Third, it has definitely reduced excess oil from my face and made my make up last longer! Last but not least, there are hardly any blackheads on my skin! Can you believe it? I don't know which ingredients did that miraculous thing but I promise that I have not seen any bleackheads eversince I started using this product.

I noticed that my face got soo greasy when I woke up in the morning. This didn't happen once, not even twice but almost a week. However, my face did turn normal after that.

It can dry out your skin soo bad and you can see fine lines which makes people think that you have wrinkles. This is not a big problem as a good moisturiser would do the job properly.

If you have oily and acne-prone skin, this might be good for you. Do not worry too much about 'harsh' chemicals in this night cream as it has a very low percentage of glycolic acid. For less than £15, I'd say go ahead and give this miraculous product a try. I have just finished my first tub and I am waiting for my next one as they are currently out of stock. It has helped me alot and hope it will help you too!

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